Trace data. Build context. Understand more.

Learn how to use Aposphere Insight to create a common understanding.

Aposphere Insight, Complexity Simplified.

Aposphere Insight makes you plan smart, be agile, work efficiently, and deliver effectively. The powerful cloud-based platform drives your complex planning and operative execution – providing you with the 360° bird's-eye perspective to create situational awareness.

Aposphere Insight Teasers

Aposphere Insight – Powering Your Impact

Does your company have a strategy but is unsure on how to implement it? Or is your organization calling to action but lacking a strategy?

In a world of ever-growing complexity, Aposphere Insight streamlines your operations by linking strategy and action and bringing in your data as decision basis. Aposphere Insight is a professional and easy to use tool designed to make you work efficiently in your complex projects while getting the big picture.

Strategy Planning with Aposphere Insight

Create strategic plans together with your colleagues and model complex causalities in a easy-to-understand visual way.

Evaluate impact by adding data-driven indicators.

Amaze colleagues and stakeholders with live dashboards and reports to see how your project is moving forward.

Platform Tour


Strategic Framework / Operations Module

This part of the Aposphere Insight tutorial series covers the strategic framework / operations module - or Modeler, as we call it.

This tutorial guides you through the setup of a logical and organized working structure.

You will learn how to use the visual diagramming editor as well as how to work in a hierarchical view.

We will also show you how to add indicators for monitoring, how to use tags, and how to set the status of an element. You will see the different collaboration possiblities including context-based communication and change approval workflows.


Data Management / Indicator Data / Performance Evaluation

This tutorial covers the DataHub, Aposphere Insight's central place for data management.

Learn how to import datasets from different datasources such as cloud storage (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Smartsheet, Airtable, ...), existing offline records (Excel, CSV), open databases (UNSDG, OWID, ...).

Curate and edit the datasets inside the Aposphere platform.

Select appropriate datasets to evaluate the performance of your indicators.

Disclaimer: This movie is still based on an old platform version, where it was not possible to add manual assessments to indicators. An updated movie will follow soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to get started with the diagram editor?

Learn how to get started working on your diagrams.

Learn how to manipulate boxes and create connections between them to show your impact pathways.

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© 2023 Aposphere GmbH. All rights reserved